Failure to adhere to traffic control devices, including signs and signals, generally pertains to the noncompliance with road signs, traffic lights, and other indicators, as well as pavement markings established to regulate traffic flow and ensure safety.
Frequent violations may encompass:
What it is:
Failing to stop at a red light and continuing through the intersection.
Possible Consequences:
Increased risk of accidents: Red-light running is one of the leading causes of crashes at intersections.
What it is:
Not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign and failing to yield right-of-way to other vehicles or pedestrians.
Possible Consequences:
Higher likelihood of accidents: Not stopping at stop signs can result in T-bone accidents or collisions with other vehicles or pedestrians.
Speeding in School Zones or Construction Zones:
What it is:
Exceeding the speed limit in areas where the limit is reduced for the safety of children, workers, or both.
Possible Consequences:
Potential criminal charges: In cases of reckless driving, criminal charges might be filed.
What it is:
Failing to follow lane-use signals, like turning on red arrows or entering lanes designated for specific vehicles (e.g., buses, carpools).
Possible Consequences:
Traffic congestion: Lane violations can contribute to more congestion or accidents.
What it is:
Turning in a direction that’s not allowed (such as making a U-turn when prohibited or turning left at an intersection where it’s not allowed).
Possible Consequences:
Traffic accidents: Illegal turns can increase the risk of crashes.
What it is:
Not stopping or slowing down for pedestrians who are crossing the street at crosswalks when legally required.
Possible Consequences:
Criminal Charges: If a pedestrian is hit, it could result in criminal charges and more serious consequences.
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Nationwide Services