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Police Radar Set-up: How Police Traffic Radar Is Used

Perry Zucker • October 25, 2024

Police Traffic Radar For Speeding Tickets

Setting up a police traffic radar necessitates adherence to specific procedural steps to obtain proper readings and effective enforcement. The following is a detailed guide:

Police Radar Location Selection:

Identify a strategic site that offers optimal visibility and an unobstructed line of sight. The chosen location should be an area where speeding violations frequently occur, while avoiding proximity to intersections or zones with high pedestrian activity.

Radar Equipment Setup:

Mounting: Securely mount the radar unit to ensure stability, positioning it at an appropriate height (generally at eye level).

Traffic Radar Beam Angle and Positioning:

Adjust the radar device to the correct angle to effectively monitor vehicular traffic.


 Ensure the radar unit has a path to approaching vehicles.

Data Collection:

Determine the operational mode of the radar (stationary or moving). Continuously monitor the readings to confirm vehicle detection.

Speeding Ticket - Documentation:

Maintain a detailed log of readings, times, and vehicle identifiers to serve as evidence in the event of a speeding ticket issuance.

Expert: Police Radar

Engaging the services of an expert / expert witness in a speeding ticket case may prove to be a strategic decision, particularly when there are reservations about the validity of the evidence presented against you. Below is a summary of the process:

The expert should hold degrees in engineering and exhibit a substantial background in speed measurement technology. It is imperative that they are accredited as an instructor and operator of speed measuring devices, such as police radar.  Their qualifications and experience must be directly pertinent to the specifics of the case at hand.

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